Walked With God

Audio version

During times of hardship, stress or sadness we may feel that God has forsaken us.  Instead, God may be allowing our circumstances to isolate us that we might draw near to Him.  Be reminded of God’s love for us and that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.

Philippians 2:201 Corinthians 7:32Matthew 6:25Luke 10Philippians 4Isaiah 49:1-6Hebrews 1Isaiah 49:14Psalm 7:25-26Hebrews 13:5Deuteronomy 31:2-6Joshua 1:1-5Song of Solomon 1:4Psalm 42:71 John 1:1-3Romans 8:21Psalm 73:28James 4:8John 2:4Genesis 5:24Hebrews 11:5John 5:39Hebrews 11:6Romans 5:2Romans 11Numbers 2:19Psalm 37:4Psalm 32:11Psalm 16:11Psalm 16:5 ​Romans 5:11