Revelation – Class One

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Revelation Class One      Consummation      The divine program of _________ is brought to fruition            The Holy name of God is __________ once and for all            Satan comes to ________Title of book        ‘Apakalypsis Ioanna’   The Revelation of John            Greek word means:  unveiling or disclosure            Vs 1 – A better title The _____________ of ________   ________Importance        Rev 22:10   John was told not to ‘seal’ the prophecy of this bookSphragizo – to seal, for security and secrecy            Rev 1:3 – Those who read it are blessedAuthorship        1:4,9; 22:8 – 9             John is a __________ (22:9)            One of the __________ disciples (age 18-19)  Matt 4:21            One of the ‘three’ (Mark 5:37)            Mentioned only 3X’s in the book of Acts 3:1, 4:13, 8:14            He settled in Ephesus where was arrested and banished under            Domitian to Patmos between 81-96 AD some 60 after the death Of ChristRecipients         1:4Interpretation Methods            Preterist – from the Latin word for ‘past            Believe all the __________ in the book have already taken place            Historical – Believe Revelations is a _______ of the church. Some of the            events are still unfolding, the symbols speaking of the papacy, corruption            etc….            Idealist – Believe Revelations is a pictorial unfolding of great ________            not actual events.            Futurist – See Chapter 4 on as yet to be fulfilled. This method follows            plain, __________ interpretationOutline            Rev 1:9    Chapter 4-19 – ___________Chapter 20 – ____________Chapter 21-22 – The __________ StateKey Verses in Chapter 1            Rev. 1:4 – see Is 11:2            Rev1:7 – every eye will see Him            Jn 14:3 I will come again            Acts 1:9 (see Matt 24:60, 26:60, Mark 13:26, 14:62, Luke 21:27)            Dan 7:13            Compare Acts 1:9 with Rev 14:14-16            Then Rev 1:13-16 (see Dan 7:9, 13-14) also Rev 19:15            John’s response Rev 1;17-19        ​