The Cross Frames The Reference

Audio version

When things go “wrong” in our lives we may ask, “What in the world is God doing?”  Stop second-guessing God and trying to figure out what He alone knows.  Instead, focus on what Christ did on the cross and know that God is in control, He loves us and is for us!

Romans 11:33-361 Thessalonians 4Isaiah 40:12-17Romans 11Isaiah 55:8Job 38:1-4John 1Philippians 4:19Ephesians 3:16Matthew 6:262 Peter 1:3Ephesians 3:202 Timothy 1;12Hebrews 7:25Ephesians 1:19-201 Peter 1:3-5Ephesians 1:112 Corinthians 4:15-172 Corinthians 5:1Romans 5:6-10