Treasured Promises

Audio version

God has given us every spiritual blessing in Christ.  We are redeemed.  We are forgiven.  We are accepted.  We are rich in blessings.  Yet Christians often live as though impoverished.   Embrace the blessings that are already yours!  Commit yourself to learning more about Christ and discovering what you now possess!

2 Peter 1:2-4Ephesians 1:16-192 Peter 3:18Isaiah 29:8Isaiah 28:20Isaiah 55Ephesians 1:3Ephesians 2:6Colossians 1:27Colossians 2:10Galatians 4:19Romans 5:2Jeremiah 33:3Ephesians 3:12Hebrews 10:35Philippians 1:61 John 5:4Colossians 3:1-4