The Riches of the Body of Christ

Audio version

The Body of Christ is precious to God.  He is not partial to one member over another.  Division in the church is the result of thinking partially toward one another. Let’s dig into what this means for us if we ever hope to grow.

Romans 12:10Galatians 3:281 Corinthians 12:11Ephesians 1:18

Pastor Graziano’s Notes:Ro 10:12 / Gal 3:28 The Lord is impartially RICH towards all There is no partiality1 Cor 12:12-27vs 12- Body of Christ is one and has many members (Body parts) – Paul’s prayer Eph 1:18-23vs 13- The Holy Spirit adds each person to body when they receive ChristActs 2:1 Day of Pentecost (Feast of Ingathering)Vs 15-18 A. No sense of belonging…I am not of the body Concluded with verse 19 1. I need to settle this issue or I’ll always be evaluating myself against other people  (especially –insecurity/men and women!) 2. Diversity is not a threat, It’s a provision ​Vs 20-22   B. Pride/independence  issues…I have no need of you! (guy on a desert Isle found after 12 years gives tour…) 1. Those I consider weak naturally have great personal value to the humble heart 2. The ones who  rub me the wrong way are usually where God is hiding/storing my provision!Vs 23-25 C. Deals with pride again regarding how we feel about certain people who are weak, struggling or have failed. 1. This is when the body can really shine and express its life. Power, provision and blessing 2. Never give up…be wise, but never quitVerse 25  Purpose clause – that there should be no schismVerse 26-27  Expressing our corporate Identity Not something I ‘try’ to do, it’s something I do as a result of KNOWING who we are! World offers its counterfeits and substitutes 1. I need to stop evaluating my life based my personal successes and failures…I am a body member, who is accepted already in HIM 2. I need to remember which body parts I need…all of them! 3. My personal weaknesses and failures become an opportunity for body to express its power when I draw near to God’s people! (don’t withdraw yourself) 4. I can rejoice when others succeed and are blessed because we’re all one! (don’t be jealous) If I withdraw when I fail, I loose the blessing, power and provision of the Body’s Life Which is CHRIST! Col 3:3,4 Acts 17:28  Division: 1. Carnal – 1 Cor 3:3 2. Kingdom Mark 3:24 (part of Satan’s strategy) 3. Sensual – Jude 1:19 comes from a persons lusts Divisive people – to be rejected!  Titus 3:10 Course of Action 1. Avoid –Ro 16:17 Including pastors who attack and slander! 2. From such turn away – 2 Ti 3:5 Eph 4:1-6! Guard the unity of the body with all your heart!